What do we do
1. Energy traceability
We connect the information from the energy meters in the generation and consumption plants in real time, recording the information in the blockchain. This makes it possible to identify each energy block and assign it to the transactions that are carried out in the energy marketplace, where users can freely buy and sell safely through specially designed smart contracts. The records are kept in the Ethereum 2.0 network and a certificate registry in the IPFS network, having triple registration of verifiable activities from anywhere.
2. Green Hydrogen traceability
Through the aforementioned energy traceability, we use a certificate that integrates all the data from the Green Hydrogen production chain in a document that validates the entire production process, from its origin to its consumption.
3. Lithium traceability
We integrate the entire lithium value chain, from its extraction to its final disposal, using a dynamic certificate that validates the status of the processes at each stage of lithium production. This is achieved by creating a certificate that cannot be changed over time, backed by a Non-Fungible Token (NFT).
Add value to your products and services with blockchain
Describe your products or services to us to help you incorporate information into a digital certificate that allows you to add value and increase the interest of your customers throughout your value chain.
GTIME® Blockchain
We work to make information transparent and make products and services truly sustainable.